服装设计:《Drakside birth of VENUS》

2024-03-01 来源:吞武里皇家大学 作者:Porramace Ponglarppr 748 分享:

作者有话说:From Theme•"Denin Renewal, Cross-Border Reshaping"make me that inspiration from The Birth of Venus,a goddess oflove,beauty,sexuality and fertility. Venus was formed out of thefoam of the sea and rode a seashell to land. The newinterpretation of the" Darkside of The Birth of Venus "describes that human have destroyed the Earth including thedeep sea. Human pollution affects the ocean, there are highconcertration of plastic trash witch apparently cause damagesfor the animals in the ocean. The goddess, Venus ,was know asbeauty and purity. She will demand justic from humans.FastFashion problems are also considered important problems. Forthe clothing production industry, the fashion industry, whichcreates conditions for the world, the fabric for this designcomes from used plastics, from trash in the oceans to polyestertextiles, woven together with scraps of denim fabric and denimfibers left over from production. in industry Including bringingold jeans back and making them new. Apply the techniques ofknitting, weaving,macrame to create texture in the design,the techniques that used on black polyester fabric are sewtucks and hand embroidery. Taking denim fabric and remakingit to be different from the original, suitable for a specific group of people. Raise the level of denim fabric to be designed inevening dresses, Huate Couture dresses, by inserting the artinto it. To add dimension and interest to the denim design tomake it more interesting.

